Italian Buckthorn drop in session – April 2
Saturday, April 2, 2022
Italian Buckthorn might have pretty berries but it’s also a pretty terrible weed!
SEA Landcare will be hosting weed expert Dr. Robin Adair from Australis Biological to discuss managing this weed in our catchment as part of a community drop in session in Narrawong on the morning of Saturday, 2 April.
Hear Robin Adair talk about how to monitor, treat and manage Italian Buckthorn for the long haul and connect with locals from environmental groups interested in supporting the establishment of a woody weed working group for the Narrawong district.
Landcare Facilitator, Kristy Brewer, and Glenelg Hopkins CMA’s Tania Parker will be on hand to talk about catchment health and on-ground project opportunities for your property.
This event is proudly supported by Southwest Environment Alliance, Southwest Woody Weed Action Team, Friends of the Surry Inc. and the Narrawong District Association. in partnership with Glenelg Hopkins CMA.