Extended road closure for Beach Road, Nelson

An update for Beach Road, Nelson, users and visitors: The road will be open for Easter as expected, but the traffic management around our construction site needs to remain a little longer than expected to make sure the job it done right.


The Eel Creek culvert is currently being replaced and there no public access to the site or the road with a full closure in place.

We currently anticipate to allow public access before the Easter Weekend as promised.

Road users are asked to follow the controlled traffic condition signage, however, caravans should avoid using Beach Road while these traffic controls are in place as turn-around options are limited.

Great South West Walk users can complete the walk by following signage and direction at Eel Creek.

There is currently limited access to the estuary from the Estuary Beach carpark due to elevating water levels.

Road closures will remain in place for the section of road leading to Estuary Beach carpark through to 12 April 2024.