Celebrating the project outputs of EC5

At the end of June 2024, projects funded under the fifth round of Victorian Governments Environmental Contribution wound up.

These projects delivered significant environmental, social and economic benefit to the catchment, delivering in all areas of land, water, biodiversity, community assets, endangered species support …

A lot of it was also delivered on a landscape-wide basis.

Check out our series of celebration videos, showcasing what the projects did, who we worked with, and the incredible outcomes from them over the last four years.

Budj Bim Flagship Waterways Project
Improving Warrnambools Waterways
Managing a Ramsar site – the Glenelg Estuary Discovery Bay
The CMA Works Crew
Sustainable Irrigation Program – learning and making more from less
Wetlands of Western Victoria – working together for biodiversity and wetland outcomes
Managing Estuaries and the people who help make it happen