
Glenelg River and landholders to benefit from flows

A water release from Rocklands Reservoir to the Glenelg River in coming weeks will help improve water quality and support landholder domestic and stock water needs. 

A Glenelg River Compensation Flow (GRCF) will begin on August 29, in which 140 megalitres will be delivered to the river system over a two week period.  

This release will be combined with passing flows which have built up in Rocklands Reservoir to make the total release of 560 megalitres.

Glenelg Hopkins CMA Water Resources Coordinator, Alex Lewis, explained the Glenelg River Compensation Flow (GRCF) was created to support downstream users after the construction of Rocklands Reservoir in the 1950s. 

“The compensation flow is used in dry years when farm dams are low,” he said.

Delivering it, along with environmental water or passing flows, will improve water quality and supply, helping landholders provide fresh water for stock if needed, but also benefiting native plants, fish, the communities, recreational activities and cultural values right along the the waterway,” Mr Lewis said.  

A baseflow of 40 megalitres per day will be delivered until September 11. Additional releases of environmental water and compensation flow will occur over the summer.