
Landcare events: Tax Changes and Spiny Rush

The following events are being hosted by Landcare groups but are not just for landcarers!

Recent changes to taxation rules in Australia and Victoria mean that all not-for-profit groups may be impacted and as such, these events are open to the communities of Dunkeld and Coleraine.

Tax Requirements Explained for not-for-profit groups – Information Evenings

Alex Richardson – accountant with Brewster Walsh Waters – will explain the new rules for our local groups.  This event is open to anyone involved in a community group that needs to now address this issue – not just Landcare groups.


Date: Wednesday, August 14

Time: 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start – 9 pm

Place: The Catching Pen Cafe, Coleraine

Supper provided

RSVP – to Lynn 0428 067 130 or email upperglenelglandcare@gmail.com


Date: Wednesday 21st August

Time: 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start – 9.00pm

Place: Sterling Place Dunkeld – Green Room

Supper provided

RSVP – to Lisa 0428 749 235 advancel@bigpond.com

Spiny Rush Information Morning

Do you have this invasive plant growing along your creeks, and in wet areas and invading onto your pastures?

Isn’t it amazing how quickly and effectively it spreads, to cover and crowd out all other species?

Have you ever wondered –

  • If it’s good for anything?
  • How to tell it apart from other species?
  • What to do to control its spread, or remove it completely?

The answers will all be here, at this very practical information morning.

We’ll have Marten Chin (Southern Grampians Shire), Chris Wilson (GHCMA), Brad McLean (agronomist & contractor) to help us answer these questions and help work out a strategy for control at this site – that you can implement at your sites too.

Day & Date:       Tuesday 27th August

Time:                   10am – 12.00 midday

Place:                  Jodie & James Young’s property – 100 Neales Road, Bochara (see map below)

Morning tea provided

RSVP – to Lisa 0428 749 235     advancel@bigpond.com