
Floodplain management resources

Floodplain Development Guidelines

Guidelines for Development in Flood Affected Areas (DEECA)- online PDF

Guidelines for Coastal Catchment Management Authorities (DEECA)- online PDF

Glenelg Hopkins CMA Floodplain Guidelines

Floodplain Modelling Guidelines

Local Floodplain Development Plans

Flood Investigations

Data request

Are you seeking data and other information relating to floodplains?
If you would like to request a copy of flood modelling files or other forms of data from the CMA, please complete the online Data Request Application Form.

Floodplain management

Home page for our work on floodplain management

Flood Advice

Find out how to get advice on flooding, links to mapping & the Flood Portal

Flood emergency information

Local flood information & resources from the authorities that manage flood emergencies

GHCMA strategies, plans & reports

Find a catalogue of wider Glenelg Hopkins CMA strategies and other documents