
Traditional Owners

Aboriginal people have strong and continuing connection with the land and water across the Glenelg Hopkins region. They have rights and obligations to manage their lands and waterways. Traditional Owner led management of Country is central to the region’s future.

Glenelg Hopkins CMA has ongoing partnerships with the four Traditional Owner Groups which are Registered Aboriginal Parties in the Glenelg Hopkins region, and whose traditional lands and waters overlap with the Glenelg Hopkins region.

They are Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation, Eastern Maar Aboriginal Corporation, Wadawurrung Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation and Barengi Gadjin Land Council. Click the links below to learn more about Traditional Owner groups managing Country across the region.

Other water authorities

Southern Rural Water is responsible for:

  • managing water for stock, domestic, irrigation and commercial purposes
  • licences for dams and bores
  • licences for ground water and surface water
  • temporary and permanent water transfers

You can contact Southern Rural Water on P: 1300 139 510 W:

Wannon Water primary functions include:

  • the collection and storage of water
  • filtration and/or collection and delivery of water
  • the collection and treatment of waste water

You can contact Wannon Water on P: 1300 926 666 W:

See our Regional Water Authorities in Partnership (PDF) brochure for more information

Local government

Local government councils and Glenelg Hopkins CMA share responsibility for natural resource management. Eleven local government areas fall wholly or partly in our region.

Victoria’s CMA and Local Government areas (PDF)

Local councils own and control large parcels of land and are responsible for some roadside vegetation.

The support of local government is vital in many areas of the CMA’s activities, including sustainable agriculture, native vegetation retention, floodplain and drainage management and pest plant and animal control.

Integrating the GHCMA’s Regional Catchment Strategy and associated action plans with the planning schemes of local government will lead to improved natural resource management and land-use planning.  We work to ensure natural resource management is considered when developments are proposed.

Follow the links on this page to learn more about our local municipalities:

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