Strategies, plans and reports
The Regional Catchment Strategy is our primary document that informs our plans for our region. Detailed strategies, such as the Soil Health Strategy, support the RCS.
Reports give detailed information of the actions, achievements, reviews and updates made by government agencies to protect and nurture the health of our waterways for future generations.
The current seasonal environmental watering plans are now available here.
2023-2024 Glenelg Hopkins CMA Annual Report
On behalf of the Board of Directors, management and staff, we are pleased to present the 25th Annual Report of the Glenelg Hopkins Catchment Management Authority.
To read the annual report online: CLICK HERE
To download a copy via PDF: 2023-2024 Glenelg Hopkins CMA Annual Report (PDF)
GHCMA 2023-24 Consultancy Expenditure Report

Regional Catchment Strategy
Glenelg Hopkins CMA has now completed the development of the Glenelg Hopkins Regional Catchment Strategy (RCS) 2021-2027.
The strategy is essentially a plan for land and water in our catchment and is completely online-based document.

Waterway Strategy
The Waterway Strategy 2014-2022 document is divided into six separate documents. The introductory document gives an outline of the sections A-D. There is also an appendix document. You can access each section below:
Waterway Strategy 2014-2022
Introduction (PDF)
Part A (PDF)
Part B (PDF)
Part C (PDF)
Part D (PDF)
Appendix (PDF)

For 25 years, Victoria’s CMAs have delivered land, water and biodiversity programs that not only enhance and protect our environment but support thriving communities.
Victoria’s CMAs and Melbourne Water work closely with local communities and Traditional Owners to create meaningful and lasting integrated catchment management outcomes.
It was a productive and forward thinking year where CMAs and Melbourne Water continued to deliver projects funded under Tranche 5 of the Victorian Government’s Environmental Contribution, demonstrated resilience in dealing with floods and rolled out Regional Catchment Strategies.

The 2019-2024 Community Engagement and Partnership Strategy was developed following a community and partner survey undertaken in February 2019.
The insights from the survey were developed into actions as part of the strategy to ensure the Glenelg Hopkins continues to partner with, and engage with, the community in an effective manner.
DELWP Our ‘Catchments, Our Communities’ Integrated Catchment Management in Victoria 2016-19 (PDF)
Our Catchments, Our Communities is the first statewide strategy for integrated catchment management in Victoria. It has been developed by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) and catchment management authorities (CMAs) to strengthen integrated catchment management across Victoria.
Glenelg Hopkins Regional Catchment Strategy 2013-19 (PDF)
This is the primary planning framework for land, water and biodiversity management within the Glenelg Hopkins region. It sets the direction for how the region’s land, water and biodiversity resources should be managed, and is an important building block in improving the condition of those resources over time
Glenelg Hopkins Climate Change Strategy 2016-23 (PDF)
This strategy has been developed as a complementary document to the Glenelg Hopkins Regional Catchment Strategy 2013–2019 (RCS). This strategy will inform the development of the next RCS in 2019 and become a supporting technical resource.
Glenelg Hopkins Waterway Strategy 2014-22 (PDF)
This strategy follows the release of the Victorian Waterway Management Strategy in 2013. Glenelg Hopkins Waterway Strategy also aligns with the Glenelg Hopkins Regional Catchment Strategy 2013-19. This strategy identifies high value waterways and priority management actions which will be undertaken over the next eight years.
Glenelg Hopkins Soil Health Strategy 2014-19 (PDF)
The Strategy sets a course towards more sustainable management of soils within the region and provides a roadmap for regional soil health investment over the next five years. The Glenelg Hopkins Soil Health Strategy supports the Glenelg Hopkins Regional Catchment Strategy.
Glenelg Hopkins Landcare Support Strategy 2012-18 (PDF)
The Glenelg Hopkins Landcare Support Strategy will guide investment and effort in supporting the Landcare movement within the Glenelg Hopkins CMA region. The document complements the Victorian Landcare Program Strategic Plan and aims to identify regionally specific
Glenelg Hopkins Invasive Animal Strategy 2010-14 (PDF)
Effective invasive animal management is a key element in improving the economic, social and environmental wellbeing of the Glenelg Hopkins community.
DELWP Victorian Floodplain Management Strategy (PDF)
The floodplain management strategy is designed to ensure appropriate response and action is taken in the event of a flood. Many communities and authorities are involved in such events, and efficient handling and communication is crucial in protecting from and using floods effectively.
Glenelg Hopkins Regional Floodplain Management Strategy (PDF)
This Strategy sets out the vision for floodplain management in the Glenelg Hopkins region.
DELWP Victorian Rural Drainage Strategy (PDF)
DELWP Victorian Rural Drainage Strategy – Summary (PDF)
This Strategy supports landholders to make choices about how they want to manage rural drainage.
GHCMA Corporate Plan 2024-2029 (PDF)
Glenelg Hopkins CMA is proud to present the organisational Corporate Plan 2024-29.
VEWH Seasonal Watering Plan Western Region 2016-2017 (PDF)
This plan outlines the environmental values, scope, scenario planning, risk management and engagement plans for environmental watering in the western region.
Glenelg Hopkins CMA Glenelg River System Environmental Watering Management Plan 2016 (PDF)
The Glenelg River System Environmental Water Management Plan (EWMP) shows you the science behind our how we water in more detail, and how we plan to water over coming years assuming there is sufficient environmental water is available.
Glenelg Hopkins CMA Seasonal Watering Proposal 2017-18 (PDF) This proposal outlines Glenelg Hopkins CMA’s priorities for environmental water use in the Glenelg River to achieve environmental outcomes and maximise the shared community benefits associated with its use.
Glenelg Hopkins Regional Weed Plan 2007-12 (PDF)
Effective weed management is a key element in improving the economic, social and environmental wellbeing of the Glenelg Hopkins community. The Glenelg Hopkins Regional Weed Plan takes a multi-layered approach to ensuring minimal impacts of weeds on identified priority assets in the region.
GHCMA Aboriginal Participation Framework 2017 (PDF)
The purpose of the Aboriginal Partnership Framework (the Framework) is to support the full, effective and equitable participation of Traditional Owners and Aboriginal communities in natural resource management design and delivery.
Catchment Condition and Management Report 2017 – VCMC (PDF)
In the 20th anniversary year of the Catchment Management Authorities, the Victorian Catchment Management Council (VCMC) presents the fifth Catchment Condition and Management Report.
‘Celebrating 20 Years’ – Integrated Catchment Management in Victoria 1997 – 2017 (PDF)
Catchment Management Authorities were established in 1997. This brochure recognises 20 years of integrated catchment management in Victoria.
It presents a snapshot of how the Statewide catchment management framework has matured over time; observed changes over the past 20 years; and future challenges and opportunities in each CMA region.
A significant project that has been implemented to date has been showcased as a case study for each of the 10 CMA regions.
The Comrie Review of 2010-11 Flood Warning Response (PDF)
This Review conducts a detailed examination of the emergency management arrangements in Victoria in the context of the 2010–11 floods.
Glenelg Hopkins Water and Land Use Change Study – Community Report (Stage 2) (PDF)
The Water and Land Use Change Study addresses the challenges posed by land use and hydrologic change across southwestern Victoria.
Glenelg Hopkins Water and Land Use Change Study – Technical Report (PDF)
This report documents the second stage of the Water and Land Use Change study. It includes the final report on Stage 2 and some additional material on the effects of changes in land use and hydrology for flow stress in the study area’s stream network.
2019-2020 CMA Actions and Achievements Report (PDF)
This latest Action and Achievements Report shows the impact That CMAs are having in our regional communities – delivering the rivers and landscapes that we love to use.