

June newsletter out now

This month in the Glenelg Hopkins CMA eNewsletter we look at how we help biodiversity thrive in to the future, use the technology of today in delivery the projects to support tomorrow, and how the projects...

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Newsletter out now

This month at the CMA we look at our new projects funded through the Australian Government, celebrate the signing of an MoU with Wannon Water, check out the growth of some endangered grassland plants,...

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Newsletter out now

Our April newsletter is out now and is full of information about what we have been up to at the CMA. From Board meetings in Balmoral which included trips through a dam wall, to removing barrier to...

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Newsletter out now

The March edition of the CMA e-newsletter is out now. The Glenelg Hopkins CMA response to the recent fires which burnt over 20,000 hectares of private and public land in the north-east of the catchment...

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Newsletter out now!

It's the end of the year and we are celebrating the what’s happened in the last couple of weeks here at the CMA, and looking forward to our activities over the Summer holidays - check out what’s happening...

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Newsletter out now

It's been a watery few weeks of activity at the CMA as we begin to look toward the end of the year. In this edition of the newsletter, find out what we found in our waterways, what the community fished...

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Newsletter out now

Find out what we've been up to at the CMA! From introducing new Board directors to the community, getting out and building capacity of Landcare and NRM committees, to helping youngsters understand...

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Newsletter out now

In this month's newsletter: The Glenelg Hopkins CMA welcomes two new Board directors and farewells one as the Victorian Government announces water authority Boards. The Victorian Landcare Grants have...

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Newsletter out now

It's spring in the catchment and we are out and about with projects and events. Our latest newsletter is out now. Find out what we have been up to and where we are going to be delivering projects...

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eNewsletter out now

It's been a busy last month at the CMA with the rivers of Warrnambool being a bit of a focus as major projects begin and conclude on them. From a community perspective, there's been lots of hands-on...

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