Platycam on the Grange Burn
Hamilton’s Grange Burn waterway and its resident Platypus will feature in a new online livestream camera in their natural habitat - Platycam. Significant waterway works have improved the Grange Burn...

Calling for red-tail feed habitat areas
Are you a landholder in the South-west corner of Victoria? If so, you may live within the distribution of the endangered South-eastern Red-tailed Black Cockatoo. The Glenelg Hopkins CMA and Greening...

Warrnambool waterways projects launched
Parliamentary Secretary Harriet Shing has been in Warrnambool launching two projects – the Rivers of Warrnambool Flagship Project and the Merri Connections Project – which are a significant investment...

Generational Button Wrinklewort seed collection
Collecting seed in the remnant populations of Button Wrinklewort plants this summer took on a whole new meaning for the Glenelg Hopkins CMA project team, with seed collected from plants which were...

Snap a Sanderling this summer and win!
Win an original artwork prize for leg-tagged flagged Sanderling this summer! Are you at the beach this summer with a camera? We are looking for images of Sanderling birds - particularly those with...

Grasslands and golf balls
Throwing golf balls around in a paddock doesn't automatically seem like a high level science activities, but it is actually one of the easiest and most effective ways researchers measure grasslands. Join...

Come for a yarn on the river
An interactive website which allows people to hear stories of the Glenelg River from Traditional Owners has been launched after three Traditional Owner groups came together to share the river’s stories...

MEDIA RELEASE: Summer Sanderling tracking begins
With no QR code required, migratory shorebirds are arriving at Discovery Bay after flying tens of thousands of kilometres after the northern Arctic summer. Sanderling flocks of more than 1000...

Woorndoo grasslands & biosphere talk
The Woorndoo Chatsworth Landcare Group has known the importance of its grasslands for years and has been proactive in restoring them on roadsides and areas of public and private property. For its...

Nest incentive scheme returns
The SE Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo Recovery Team are calling on landholders and members of the public to help locate new nest sites of the endangered South-eastern Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo (SERTBC). Nest...