Get involved

We work with Traditional Owner groups, communities, landholders and recreational users to make sure this region is protected, well looked after and sustainable. If you are as passionate as us about this stunning region, it’s time to get involved.

There are many ways you can get involved in your community to help look after and improve the environment: from planting native vegetation on your property to joining a local group like Landcare, Watchwatch or EstuaryWatch.

Call us to talk about volunteer opportunities in your area.



Newsletters, the Pondcast, fact sheets, booklets, frog calls and other valuable resources.

Citizen Science

Citizen Science

We need you! Become a Waterwatch or EstuaryWatch monitor



Landcare groups help to build networks of knowledge and expertise so we can all be more effective in  improving the health of our natural resources, the condition of our environment and the sustainability of our farming practices.

Doug Philips (Greening Australia) and Dion Borg (GHCMA) show the group the Biochar demonstration site

Grants & funding

Find out more about what funding opportunities are currently available through the Glenelg Hopkins CMA and Landcare.

Plant indigenous plants

You can help our region thrive by planting native plants. Native vegetation plays a vital role in the shape of our landscape. Native plants help produce oxygen, form and protect soils, maintain biodiversity, protect water resources, provide carbon sinks that absorb greenhouse gasses, provide shelter for native animals and much more.s.