
Get involved with Landcare or find out more

We know there is so much untapped local knowledge and expertise in our region. Landcare groups help to build networks of knowledge and expertise so we can all be more effective in  improving the health of our natural resources, the condition of our environment and the sustainability of our farming practices.

Landcare and other groups and organisations undertake works throughout most of the year; whether it’s spraying and removing weeds to planting trees and fencing.

There are a number of ways you can become involved in Landcare through a variety of activities including:

  • Planting vegetation
  • Direct seeding
  • Manual removal of weeds
  • Spraying (hand spraying and large scale spraying)
  • Fencing
  • Running a workshop
  • Joining a committee
  • Act as Project Coordinator for activities
  • Book keeping
  • Writing newsletters or articles

Looking for your local Landcare Facilitator?

Scroll through our contact cards to find your local Landcare Facilitator. Still don’t know which one works in your local area? Get in touch wit Tony Lithgow, the Regional Landcare Coordinator P: (03) 5571 2526
E: and he can help put you in contact with the correct group for your location.

More information

Are you a Landcare group or volunteer group working with Traditional Owners and Aboriginal organisations?

The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning has developed the following Aboriginal  Cultural Heritage Guide to assist groups working with Traditional Owners that may not be familiar with cultural heritage.

Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Guide 2019

The guide is intended to assist community groups delivering on-ground projects and activities in Victoria to better understand the State’s Aboriginal cultural heritage management process.

Get support

The Regional Landcare Coordinator (RLC) delivers a Victorian Government funded grants program to assist the regions Landcare groups. Victorian Landcare grants are offered to landholders for priority wetlands, riparian areas and terrestrial vegetation.

The RLC provides:

  • Strategic advice and advocacy of Landcare programs in GHCMA
  • Management and coordination of Victorian Landcare Grants
  • Grants for landholders in priority areas: wetlands, riparian areas and terrestrial vegetation

The Regional Landcare Facilitator (RLF) is supported by the National Landcare Program to promote sustainable agricultural practices, facilitate community involvement and help increase the capacity of farmers and land managers. The RLF’s role is to:

  • promote adoption of sustainable agricultural practices
  • increase knowledge of farmers and land managers in GHCMA
  • develop skills, knowledge and capacity
  • support and encourage community involvement
  • develop networks and connections