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The Pondcast
Listen to the series.
Welcome to the Glenelg Hopkins CMA Pondcast – a podcast giving you an insight to what happens behind the acronym GHCMA.
In this series, we’re going to take a look at what a Catchment Management Authority does, the projects the organisation is delivering, meet some of the passionate people delivering those projects and hopefully along the way, give you an insight to how we are protecting and enhancing the land, waterways and biodiversity of the Glenelg Hopkins Region of South West Victoria.

Water and flows
Water for the Environment FAQs (PDF)
Farming benefits flow from the Glenelg River (PDF)
Fishing benefits flow from the Glenelg River (PDF)

Irrigation System Check videos with Ag Vic
Maintaining an irrigator with simple checks to ensure it is working efficiently and effectively is one the easiest ways farmers can ensure they are getting to most out of their machinery and their water.
* System checks to ensure optimum performance and, energy and water use efficiency of your irrigation system
* Simple measures you can do yourself
* Cost effective to undertake and will save money in the long run
Further Irrigation Information:
These videos were all filmed on Eastern Maar Traditional Owners land and we acknowledge elders past, present and emerging of Eastern Maar.
Other resources
(as listed in the Frogs of the Glenelg Hopkins region booklet)
Ewing’s Tree Frog – Litoria ewingii
Growling Grass Frog – Litoria raniformis
Plains Froglet – Crinia parinsignifera
Common Froglet – Crinia signifera
Southern Smooth Froglet – Geocrinia laevis
Victorian Smooth Froglet – Geocrinia victoriana
Pobblebonk – Limnodynastes dumerilii
Striped Marsh Frog – Limnodynastes peronii
Spotted Marsh Frog – Limnodynastes tasmaniensis
Mallee Spadefoot Toad – Neobatrachus pictus
Common Spadefoot Toad – Neobatrachus sudelli
Bibron’s Toadlet – Pseudophryne bibronii
Southern Toadlet – Pseudophryne semimarmorata