Permanent Protection of Long Swamp
Long Swamp, an 1100 hectare wetland system situated in Discovery Bay Coastal Park and proposed to be Victoria’s next Ramsar site, is a large coastal freshwater wetland in south-western Victoria that supports a suite of crucial environmental values, including threatened species and contributing flows to the Glenelg River Estuary.
Past catchment land use change, climatic trends and artificial drainage have contributed to a long-term drying trend in Long Swamp, causing shifts in vegetation composition and interruption of flows to the estuary.
The restoration of Long Swamp and provision of natural landforms will allow water levels to connect between the swamp and the Glenelg Estuary. Improving connectivity between the Glenelg River estuary and Long Swamp will benefit threatened and migratory fish species by allowing them to move to and from the high value habitat of the wetlands as water levels rise and fall.
Project Partners
Parks Victoria, DELWP, Glenelg Nature Trust, Nelson Coastcare Landcare Group
This program is supported by Glenelg Hopkins CMA and project partners through funding from the Victorian Government.