Works on waterways

Waterway information and advice

The CMA is committed to protecting and enhancing waterway health. The conduct of works on or near a designated waterway require a licence from the CMA.

We provide the community with waterway information and advice. This may relate to the conduct of proposed works or processes that may affect waterway health.

Files to have on hand prior to filling out application form:

  • Photos of the site (including view of the waterway at the proposed works location as well as upstream and downstream views).
  • Aerial plan indicating location of works.
  • Construction plans and drawings including a cross section of the waterway, an overhead plan (detailing rock work etc) and a side elevation view. Neat sketches will suffice for most farm/minor crossings/works.
  • Crown land consent (if works are on crown land).
  • Process list generated upon completion of the Aboriginal Heritage Planning Tool –
  • Evidence of concession (if applicable).

Apply for a Works on Waterways Licence

Please note there is a standard 25 working day turnaround for issue of a Works on Waterways Licence.

If you do not receive a receipt once you have completed the form please contact us on 03 5571 2526 or email

Get Waterway advice

If you do not receive a receipt once you have completed the form please contact us on 03 5571 2526 or email

Additional Information

How much does it cost?

Base fee for Licence: $300.00 inc. GST

Base fee for Waterway Advice: $180.00 inc. GST

Concession available: 15% off

Additional fees
  • Licence renewal: $300.00 inc. GST
  • Complex application: $240.00 inc. GST
  • On site assessment/meeting request: $240.00 inc. GST
  • Priority Response Request (please contact us to confirm if available): $240.00 inc. GST


Floodplain Management

As the region’s Floodplain Management Authority, we aim to maintain the natural functions of floodplains and waterways and minimise the risks flooding poses to life, property and community assets. This is separate to our waterways manager role.

Works Issue Notification

If you are concerned about and would like to report potential works undertaken on a designated waterway without a Works on Waterways Licence, please complete the notification form below and forward to the Glenelg Hopkins CMA.

Data Request

Waterways and flood modelling files are available from the CMA. This is a fee for service product. If you would like to request a copy of flood modelling files or other forms of data from the CMA, please complete the Data Request Form to lodge your request.

Rural Drainage Strategy

The 2018 Victorian Rural Drainage Strategy clarifies arrangements for management of Rural Drainage in Victoria. Click the link below for more information.